Emergency Mushroom Walk to SAVE KNOWLAND PARK!
Have fun and sign the petition to Save Knowland Park! When: Sunday Dec 28, 2014 from 12:00 pm-2:00 pm Where: Knowland Park- we’ll meet at the Cameron Avenue entrance, a cul-de-sac off of Malcolm Avenue...
View ArticleGetting close to our winter guests
By Paul Belz A group of about thirty curious birders stood at the edge of Lake Merritt, mere feet away from dozens of water birds. “This is the great thing about Lake Merritt,” said Marissa...
View ArticleMushrooms in Redwood Regional Park
By Paul Belz Imagine a redwood forest that is home to strange little life-forms of all shapes and colors. “Mushrooms are interesting to me… because they’re like the flowers of winter. They appear when...
View ArticleCuddle puddle ladybug huddle in Redwood Regional Park!
By Paul Belz “How many ladybug species do you think live in California?” East Bay Regional Parks naturalist Michael Charnofsky asked a group of 100 ladybug seekers. “100,000!” an eight year old boy...
View ArticleAssembling the Lake Merritt Neighborhood
By Paul Belz Planet Drum uses strategies such as map-making workshops to connect people with local environments to highlight connections between human communities and natural ecosystems that surround...
View ArticleAn Intimate Look at the Sausal Creek Watershed
By Paul Belz “A creek has two jobs,” Christopher Richard told a group of adventurous hikers in the Sausal Creek watershed. “One is to transport water, and the other is to transport sediment.”...
View ArticleEdible urban weeds- Oakland’s sidewalk salads
By Paul Belz “Part of the message today is that you already have a vegetable garden, whether you planted one or not,” Philip and Kristen told a group of hopeful foragers. “And if you did plant a...
View ArticleIdentifying the trees of Lake Merritt
By Constance Taylor If you took a walk around Lake Merritt, how may of the tree species would you be able to identify? It can be a bit tricky in urban areas because so many of the trees are from …...
View ArticleOakland Geology with Andrew Alden at Shepherd Canyon
By Constance Taylor So, we all know about the Hayward Fault. If you didn’t grow up somewhere around Oakland learning about it while doing earthquake simulations with trays of jello in science class,...
View ArticleUrban Wildlife 101
By Constance Taylor There’s an admiration that many of us have when it comes to urban mammals. Where do they sleep? Where do they raise their families? How do they find enough food to eat? How do they...
View ArticleThe ecological price of overgrazing
By Constance Taylor When I first moved to the Bay Area 6 years ago I was mystified by the tracks that contoured the hills in the regional parks. From a distance it looked like a diligent landscaper was...
View ArticleMarine Biology of the Oakland Estuary
By Birute Skurdenis If you were strolling on the boardwalk behind Scott’s Restaurant in Jack London Square on September 12th, you might have come across the odd sight of 2 dozen people of all ages,...
View ArticleLand Action: Creating 100 Microfarms in 5 years
By Constance Taylor What’s a city to do with abandoned lots? If you ask Steve DiCaprio, CEO and founder of Land Action, he’ll probably tell you they should be turned into microfarms with tiny homes on...
View ArticleAn Afternoon with Worms, Snails and Sea Squirts
By Paul Belz Few things beat an afternoon with animals that have no backbones! Damon Tighe, an invertebrate enthusiast who lives near Lake Merritt, guided a group of explorers on a sunny September...
View ArticleFranciscan Geologic Formation at Knowland Park
By Birute Skurdenis “To look at the geology of Oakland is to look at the geology of California and the planet.” A group of Wild Oaklanders was standing in the shade of an old oak listening to Andrew...
View ArticleA very special announcement… Wild Oakland is joining forces with the...
For upcoming events and new blogs, everything can be found at the California Center for Natural History website. Keep reading for more information about the changes! Hi Everyone, I’m very excited to...
View ArticleRipetitori WiFi: i tre modelli migliori
Un ripetitore WiFi è un piccolo dispositivo elettronico che ha la funzione di ricevere il segnale WiFi emesso dal router e trasmetterlo nell’ambiente, nelle zone dove senza il ripetitore non ci sarebbe...
View ArticleSedie da gaming: le tre migliori proposte del 2020
Se sei un appassionato di videogiochi e trascorri molte ore della tua giornata davanti ad un pc o ad una console, avere una sedia da gaming ti garantirà di trascorrere il tuo tempo libero in piena...
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